Are you mad for science?

Mad for science brings students closer to the cutting edge of science knowledge before they head to university

What is Mad for science?

Mad for science stimulates talent and encourages the science and tech vocations of 1st and 2nd year baccalaureate students who are curious to find out more about research, through theoretical and practical courses taught by researchers at leading research centres in Catalonia. The final aim of the programme is to help students guide their academic and professional future towards a possible research career, so that they focus on the field of research that most interests them.

Thirteen different courses will be taught in collaboration with research centres and institutions in Catalonia that are internationally recognised for their excellence, and the courses will consist of theory and practical sessions that will take place on Saturdays throughout the year. Students will work in the research centres, alongside leading researchers in their field. In this way students will also experience how people work in international research centres, which will allow them to gain practical experience in the latest cutting-edge methodologies, and better position themselves for a possible career in their chosen science of tech field. Lastly, they will also learn how to present and communicate science, while fostering the rigour and critical spirit required for research.

12th September - 20th October, 2023
Deadline 19th October at 23.59h
9 de setembre - 31 d'octubre, 2024
Inscripcions obertes a Energia, Medi Ambient, Nutrició, Telecomunicacions, Intel·ligència Artificial, Supercomputing i Enginyeries
28th October, 2023
Pre-selection mathematics course
Online pre-selection test for the mathematics course. From 9.00h to 10.00h
28th October - 26th November, 2023
Pre-selection and interviews with the pre-selected candidates
27th November, 2023
Final selection
Communication sent to selected and non-selected students
27th November - 15th December, 2023
Confirmation of student's place by payment
25 de novembre al 8 de desembre (dates provisionals)
Petició ajut econòmic
Termini perquè els estudiants seleccionats que ho requereixin demanin ajut econòmic i entreguin la documentació sol·licitada
27h November - 15th December, 2023
Deadline to receive documentation and to confirm attendance to the launch event for Mad for Science 2024
12 de desembre, 2024 (data provisional)
Resolució ajuts econòmics
Comunicació dels ajuts econòmics concedits i denegats
19th January, 2024
Opening ceremony
Launch event for Mad for Science 2024
From 20th January, 2024
Course starts
Courses start. Theory and practical sessions