Sustainability and territory
We innovate for a sustainable future
Forests of the Future
We want to contribute to the adaptation to climate change within the forests of Catalonia, which is why we promote innovative projects in the field of forest management that reduce the risk of forest fires and allow for the development of circular bioeconomy models, such as bioconstruction with wood and the generation of jobs with social value.
Know moreEnergy sustainability
We are committed to the challenges of the energy transition and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which is why we promote innovative self-production projects for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Know moreBiodiversity and ecological restoration
We are working on the conservation of biodiversity and ecological restoration in our spaces or in nearby spaces, thus contributing to the global challenge of halting the loss of biodiversity and restoring ecological processes where they have been lost or degraded.
Know moreFarming in the 21st Century
We are working hard to innovate, promote and learn about this new type of 21st century farming in our gardens at Món Sant Benet. Regenerative organic agriculture is key to guaranteeing food in the future that is healthy and works in harmony with our ecosystems and land.
Know moreAll programs
We take care of a great natural capital
Nature Spaces Network
The Nature Spaces Network belonging to the foundation is unique in Catalonia and Spain. The spaces were acquired with the aim of preserving and managing areas with a high environmental value and beautiful landscapes. Organising and managing these natural spaces allows us to support biodiversity and protect the local landscape, while providing opportunities to the people living in these areas.
We reconnect society with nature
Environmental education
Through activities and stays, we want to offer impactful, positive experiences which make participants rethink our bond with nature and how we can personally act to improve the current state of the environment and its natural elements.
Know moreLife Green
Life Green aims to mobilize, empower and raise awareness among citizens and especially young people, towards the objectives of the European Green Deal.
Know moreBioblitz
It is a citizen science activity where participants can discover nature, as volunteers identify all the living organisms found in a given area alongside scientists who are experts in flora and fauna.
Different routes are taken where different scientific field study techniques are learned while counting the species of animals, plants and lichens.
Know moreDelta Birding Festival
In September, international ornithology festival is held in the Delta de l’Ebre
Know moreMembership

Stretching over 18% of the EU’s land area and more than 8% of its marine territory, Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world. It offers a haven to Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats.

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of environmental education programmes.
of the Nature Spaces Network
protected and managed in Catalonia