Is science your future? 

Youth and Science aims to create better-prepared scientists with unique research opportunities!

Three years in length

First year: Scientific stays at MónNatura Pirineus

The fifty students chosen have the opportunity to have a unique experience and participate in a science research project at MónNatura Pirineus. 

Second year: Research centre stays

In the summer between 1st and 2nd year of baccalaureate, the students chosen can continue to engage in scientific research experiences at a local research centre.

Third year: International research stays

The students will be given the challenge of proposing a research project on which to work, either at a research centre or in an international science programme.

2nd half of November 2023
Decision on the 6 research projects chosen
Choice of projects
9 January – 8 February 2024
Student registration
Online application
16 February – 18 March 2024
First selection phase
A Scientific Committee chosen by the Foundation will assess the profiles and qualifications of all the students.
20 and 21 April 2024
Second selection phase
Interviews with shortlisted students
30 April 2024
Final notification of selected students
Each student will receive an email with the decision
30 April - 20 May 2024
Confirmation of the student's place by the payment
30 April - 20 May 2024
Documentation submission
Deadline to receive documentation from participants
14 June 2024
Opening (face to face)
Welcome to the participants and information session about the Youth & Science programme
3 June 2024
2nd payment
Second payment deadline for students who make the installment payment of the fee
25 June – 7 July 2024
Scientific stays at MónNatura Pirineus
The group of students will travel to Planes de Son to participate in phase 1 of the programme
September 2024 – January 2025
Development of the article
All the students must write a scholarly article
8 January 2025
Submission of the articles
Deadline to submit the scholarly article