Energy sustainability
We are committed to the challenges of the energy transition and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which is why we promote innovative self-production projects for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
We are working for a future in which there is less dependence on fossil fuels and for "zero kilometre" energy
What are we doing?
We are working on implementing renewable energy at the Foundation's facilities, committing to efficiency, diversification and innovation, in addition to also committing to the European Union's Agenda 2030 goals for the reduction of emissions and the implementation of renewable energies.
How are we doing it?
Implementation of rooftop solar energy plants and hydroelectric systems for electricity generation, and through an increase in energy efficiency at the Foundation's facilities.
Goal 2030: C-Neutral Foundation
By 2025, we want to sustainably produce 30% of the Foundation's energy, which will represent annual emissions savings of 427 Tm of CO2, equivalent to 272 trees (with trunks 10 m high and 40 cm in diameter).