Tàndem Schools
The Tàndem Schools programme promotes collaboration between an educational centre and an institution in order to target the centre as part of an innovation process. In order to become sustainable in the long term, the school and the institution exchange knowledge, experiences and teaching material. It is an excellent opportunity for institutions to reflect on their own educational activities.
We want to live in a world where all young people have the opportunity to develop their abilities to the maximum and where children have access to the best education, under equal conditions.
Tàndem Schools want to improve innovation and transformation around the students
Combination of modifications for scheduling, the curriculum and evaluation that accompany the students within a framework of competence learning. Flexible proposals that place the teacher and students in a new role, in a situation of co-responsibility for the processes and the results. New elements in cooperative learning, project work, culture of thought and creativity, emotional education strategies, etc. The determination to propose competence-based education.
Focused on creating learning environments. The transformation of classroom areas, common areas, passage areas and outdoor areas in order to enhance the value of the broad educational opportunity. Areas that facilitate interaction to build knowledge and live learning experiences. New elements in the distribution and flexible use of spaces, materials and technologies, the use of the natural and urban environment, etc. The determination to turn sites into learning tools.
Structured by a leadership that transforms and entrusts a new vision based on its decisions. A new way of looking at organisation in terms of timetables and resources that facilitates the fit and progress of the other axes. Organisation of work teams with dynamics that promote professional commitment and vocational feeling. Novelties in the timetable distribution, the grouping of students and teachers, the flexibility of the use of resources, etc. Determining transformational leadership that includes management and pedagogy.
Work on values shared by the educational community. An effort to emerge and renew the consensus of the values that underpin educational praxis. New developments in the field of communication, in cohesion strategies, in the formation of the faculty's competence, etc. The determination to grow the sense of belonging, sharing the ultimate meaning of the educational task.
- Focus the school within the framework of an innovation process and thus contribute to the prevention of school failure, through greater motivation, involvement and training of teachers and students. In this way, the students want to generate an interest that encourages them to continue studying.
- Promote interaction and involvement of the educational community of the schools - students, alumni, teachers, executives, parents and the environment -, in order to promote quality and cohesion in the centres.
- In the medium term it is also intended to increase the prestige of the schools, directly by the association to the reference entities, but, above all, by the uniqueness of their educational project and the improvement of the learning of the students.
- The values that move Tàndem Schools' innovations are: cooperation, creativity, autonomy and they are centred around the intense optimism of the students.
The role of the Foundation
- Promote, generate and manage links between centres.
- Contribute all the knowledge in the educational field of the Foundation to multiple projects to enrich and complete educational projects.
- Monitor the project and systematise the knowledge that is generated in the project and evaluate its results.
- Fund the project.
Teacher training
Within the framework of the Tàndem Schools project, training sessions for the teaching team become sessions for constructing the innovative project of the educational centre on the aforementioned axes. The training sessions, then, are designed to encourage the transformation of the educational centres where the project is carried out.
They are also innovative because they combine three key ideas in their design:
- The teaching staff at the centres is growing as a professional learning community.
- Action research is key in educational innovation.
- The training of teachers is oriented towards a vision structured by the field of expertise of the reference entity.
Tàndem School training sessions are an important element in the student learning culture, which is why they often incorporate project design and review moments that are implemented in the classroom. And they are key to the long-term sustainability of the project.