Girona East Tàndem Schools + Temporada Alta Festival + Ciutat Invisible Foundation
The three schools specialise in the performing arts along with the Invisible Ciutat Invisible and Temporada Alta.
The three schools specialise in the performing arts along with the Ciutat Invisible Foundation and Temporada Alta. Some of the artists who participate in the festival work with the teachers at the school during class time to offer specific training in the different areas of theatre creation and assist them in creative processes. Training and educational mentoring is designed that allows the teachers to implement innovative teaching methodologies with a particular emphasis on the performing arts.
Throughout the academic year, strategies are developed to transform the organisation of the school and the values shared with the community and to shift the teaching methodologies and learning spaces. This transformation process is based on analysing needs, identifying opportunities and applying methodological and curricular changes that are sustainable in the long-term in coordination with the schools’ teaching teams.