Catalonia Youth for Medicine
A program that encourages medical vocations, aimed at baccalaureate students through theory and practical sessions given by leading hospital centres across Catalonia. Queremos un mundo donde los jóvenes tengan la oportunidad de desarrollar al máximo su talento impulsando sus vocaciones.
Sessions 2023/2024
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital de Sant Pau
Session at charge of: Dr. Josep Estadella
Medical Specialty: Gynecology
No ... this is not a Netflix TV Show. But knowing risky sexual behaviors and their consequences is always necessary for a doctor.
In this session we will talk about the most common sexually transmitted diseases, their symptoms, their prevention, and their treatment.
We will present different cases of patients who consult for their symptoms, and it will be necessary to guide them appropriately.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital de Sant Pau
Session at charge of: Dra. Carmen Medina
Medical Specialty: Gynecology - Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit
Marta is pregnant. She says that she is in a moment of maximum happiness, but at the same time with certain concerns. What can I eat, doctor? Can I exercise? Will my baby be okay? Will I be able to birth vaginally, doctor?
In this session we will study the most important physiological changes that a woman experiences during pregnancy, how we evaluate intrauterine babies and how fetal pathologies are diagnosed, as well as the physiology of childbirth.
At the hospital, Marta and other pregnant women are waiting for you to solve their doubts, inform them of the development of their babies… i Be careful! Maybe you must attend a hasty birth!
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital de Sant Pau
Session at charge of: Dr. Juan José Espinós
Medical Specialty: Gynecology – Reproductive Endocrinology Unit
I want to avoid pregnancy. How can I do What if I want to get pregnant, but I can't? Are there methods that work contrary to contraception?
What if I want to get pregnant, but I cannot? Are there methods that work contrary to contraception?
There are no ideal contraceptive methods, they all have their advantages and disadvantages, and these must be adapted to the personal circumstances of each user.
In this session we will discuss what each method consists of, how it is used, its effectiveness, its additional advantages, and the disadvantages that it may entail. As well as we will see ways or methods to improve conception.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Session at charge of: Dra. Maria Josep Colomina Soler
Medical Specialty: Anesthesiology
The first part of the session will explain what the irruption of anesthesia meant in the history of medicine and surgery.
The current role of anesthesia in modern medicine (Transversal specialty, necessary for most specialties, very complete and with very varied job opportunities)
Differences between general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and sedation.
Anesthesiologists who are experts in the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Role in the preparation before the operation and in the post intervention rehabilitation.
Resuscitators: experts in the acute critical patient.
What awaits us in the future? New drugs, new technologies, new physiological discoveries (BRAIN project).
Theoretical-practical cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) workshops.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Session at charge of: Dr. Albert Castillo Pinar, Dra. Francis Astrid Garay Buitron, Dra. Karina Gordillo Zabaleta, Dr. Pablo Rios Ballarin, Dr. Ricardo Ponce Silva
Medical Specialty: Medical imaging
This session will provide an introduction to the professional field of radiology.
We will make a small explanation in a didactic way about the acquisition of conventional radiology, ultrasound, tomography and magnetic resonance images.
A review of the different sections that make up the Radiology Service will be carried out: abdomen, thorax, neuro radiology, musculoskeletal, Angioradiography, pediatrics and breast, reviewing the most frequent pathologies of each section and the role of the radiologist in each of them.
Clinical cases will be presented in which radiology plays an important role in the diagnosis and, consequently, in the management of the patient.
We will see the latest advances in radiology (advanced/functional sequences of magnetic resonance and artificial intelligence.
Schedule: 9:00 a 13:00h
Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Session at charge of: Dra. Salud Santos, Dra. Susana Padrones i Dra. Marta López
Medical Specialty: Pneumology
In this session we will study what the lungs are like and how they work. We will see what the main causes or risk factors are for developing respiratory diseases and what we can do to avoid them
During the session we will talk about different pathologies of the respiratory system such as: asthma, pneumonia, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and lung cancer.
In the practical part, we will perform spirometry (to measure lung function), we will show how the bronchi look inside with a simulator, and finally we will perform biopsies and pleural punctures.
In addition, we will analyze different clinical cases and medical tests will be visualized to see how pulmonologists diagnose different diseases and what treatments can be applied.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Session at charge of: Dr. Josep-Vicent Torregrosa
Medical Specialty: Nephrology
Know the "multitasking" of the kidney and all its functioning. Know what it means to have kidney disease and its consequences.
Understand the management of kidney pathologies and electrolytes in acute kidney failure and chronic kidney disease (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation)
We will visit the research laboratories and the dialysis unit, as well as the rest of the service.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Session at charge of: Dr. Josep Vidal
Medical Specialty: Digestive endocrinology
Session objectives:
- Understand the theoretical basis of the relationship between lifestyle and the appearance of diseases.
- Understand the role of obesity as the root of many diseases in our society.
- Recognize the stigma that exists associated with diseases such as obesity and diabetes, and the implications that this has.
- Know in a practical way the tools we use in the analysis of body composition, energy expenditure and blood glucose control.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Session at charge of: Dr. Alfredo Adan
Medical Specialty: Ophthalmology
Know what vision consists of and what it means to have an eye disease. The impact of eye diseases in the world. How an Ophthalmology Service is organized: outpatient area and operating room. Professionals involved
Understand the management of the most common eye diseases, both medical diseases and those that require surgical treatment. What are the differential elements of the medical consultation and the operating room in Ophthalmology?
Visit the surgical simulation center of the Institute of Ophthalmology (Clinic Eye Training Center).
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
Session at charge of: Dra. Cristina Tural and Dra. Raquel Nuñez
Medical Specialty: Internal Medicine
Questioning, listening, interpreting, relating, exploring, coordinating, communicating... are pillars on which the activity of an internist is based. The internist questions the patient and listens to him, relates his symptoms and what he finds in the physical examination to arrive at the diagnosis, coordinates with the different specialties and communicates with the patient and family to empower them to face the disease. The job of the internist is to understand the patient as a whole. Despite her holistic view of the patient, she also has areas of expertise that allow her to support patient care, research, and teaching.
During the day we will learn to diagnose diseases with simulated interactive practical cases. Previously we gave basic notions of the clinical history that allow us to reach the diagnosis of the cases presented. We will also visit the facilities where we carry out our daily activity.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
Session at charge of: Dr. Ignacio Blanco i Dra. Elisabeth Castellanos
Medical Specialty: Genética Clínica
Genetics is a relatively young science. Just over 150 years ago when Gregor Mendel established his laws on inheritance (Do you remember peas?)
They are just a few years, but full of discoveries and new opportunities to understand who we are and why we get sick.
Advances in genetics, genomics and proteomics are improving the diagnosis and knowledge of diseases, the development of new treatments and, in general, an improvement in health. The use of genetic testing and molecular diagnosis allows us to dream of a new approach to medicine, personalized medicine, and more precision medicine.
During this session we will review the main concepts on clinical genetics and how we can apply it to people to improve their health. We will also reflect on the ethical challenges that these advances pose for our society.
In the practical part we will work on how to isolate genetic material, DNA and how we can read its sequence.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
Session at charge of: Dra.Lourdes Ispierto i Dra.Mireia Gea
Medical Specialty: Neurology
What is the nervous system like? What are the differences between the Central and Peripheral Nervous System? How do the brain, neurons and their connections or circuits work? In this session we will review the anatomical bases, what is the functioning of the Nervous System in normal conditions and what are the main causes or risk factors when developing NS diseases.
During the session we will discuss some of the most frequent or high impact pathologies such as: stroke, neurodegenerative diseases (dementia, Parkinson's, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), Epilepsy, demyelinating and autoimmune diseases (Multiple Sclerosis)
The practical part will explain how, through a complete neurological examination, it can be deduced where the problem is. In addition, we will perform a transcranial ultrasound study to review the cerebral circulation and visualize some deep brain structures.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital del Mar
Session at charge of: Dr Juan Pablo Horcajada (coordinador), Dra Milagro Montero, Dra Silvia Gómez Zorrilla, Dra Francesca Sánchez
Medical Specialty: Infectious diseases
What are the most prevalent infectious diseases? And with a greater impact? In this session we will study the most important infectious diseases, what are the main causes and risk factors when developing infections.
During the session we will talk about different infections such as: those produced by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, those that we can acquire from the community and those related to health care, which are the most contagious and which are the preventive measures, as well as which ones they are the most widely used antimicrobial treatments.
In the practical part we will visit the infectious diseases hospitalization room where there are isolation rooms separated by patients suffering from contagious diseases, different clinical cases will be analyzed, and the microbiology laboratory will be visited where diagnostic tests for these diseases are carried out.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital del Mar
Session at charge of: Dr. Manuel Pera, Dra. Marta Pascual, Dr. Joan Sancho, Dra. Nuria Argudo, Dr. Juan Gúzman
Medical Specialty: General surgery
What is the activity of surgeons? What have been the most relevant advances and innovations in surgery in recent years?
We will answer these questions and others in an interactive session entitled "Introduction to surgery in the 21st century"
After this introductory session, the students will attend the emergency session with the on-call team of the Surgery Service in which all cases attended and operated on during the previous day are explained and discussed.
Next, we have planned two hands-on workshops, one on sutures and knots and one with a pelvitrainer to practice basic laparoscopic surgery techniques. Small groups of students will have an instructor who will supervise the practice.
Finally, we will make a guided visit to an operating room where they will learn the concepts of asepsis and antisepsis and will be taught to wash and put on the gown and gloves as surgeons do before each surgical intervention.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital del Mar
Session at charge of: Víctor Pérez Sola. /Francina Fonseca Casals /Daniel Bergé Vaquero.
Medical Specialty: Psychiatry
Mental illnesses affect one in four people and in 50% of cases the symptoms appear before the age of 18.
During the session we will emphasize the risk factors and the costs they entail for society.
We will review the risk and protective factors for the most common mental illnesses, highlighting the need to reduce the stigma of these types of disorders.
Schedule: 9:00 a 13:00h
Place: Hospital Vall d’Hebrón
Session at charge of: Dra. Elena Élez
Medical Specialty: Medical Oncology
Our service, since its creation, has experienced significant quantitative and qualitative growth in the areas of patient care, teaching and research perspective. Cancer is a more frequent disease every day, we provide high-quality assistance linked to clinical and translational research, which applies the knowledge of basic research to the prevention and treatment of clinical cases. This allows us to see patients from outside our referral area and participate in clinical trials. We are a benchmark for clinical oncology in all areas.
In this session we will deal with the basic concepts of translational medicine and the specialty of Medical Oncology to learn about the day to day and the professionals of this service, and what fields of influence they have in medicine and the type of patients they usually attend. . We will have the opportunity to see how the service works and how we integrate research: outpatient consultations, day hospital and the laboratories where basic clinical research is carried out in this field.
Schedule: 9:00 a 13:00h
Place: Hospital Vall d’Hebrón
Session at charge of: Dr. Barret
Medical Specialty: Burn patient service
In this service we will approach the world of burns, we will see different units such as plastic surgery, outpatient consultations and diagnostic tests.
We will know what regenerative medicine, grafts, burn care and wound care consist of.
In the practical part we will visualize how these cases are approached in the operating room, the diagnostic tests and how a surgical microscope works.
Schedule: 9:30 a 13:30h
Place: Hospital Vall d’Hebrón
Session at charge of: Dr. Antonio Moreno Galdón
Medical Specialty: Pediatrics
During this session there will be a brief theoretical explanation of what pediatric care is like at the Vall d'Hebrón hospital and then we will illustrate it with some examples based on frequent clinical cases.
Afterwards, a tour of the different areas of the hospital will be carried out. In this service we will approach the world of creatures, we will see different units such as neonatology, external consultations, operating rooms and diagnostic tests.
In the second part of the morning we will go to a pediatric simulation laboratory, where we will practice simple clinical situations as well as basic resuscitation maneuvers.