Bàrkeno School + Mercat de les Flors, dance and movement + El Graner
The school specialises in dance and artistic movement, and will participate in the tandem with Mercat de les Flors and El Graner.
Dance and artistic movement are included as an interdisciplinary pillar within the skill set taught in primary and elementary education, in the tandem arrangement between Bàrkeno School + Mercat de les Flors-El Graner.
This is an educational innovation project that creates spacious and sensitive spaces, in which the language of dance and artistic movement are vehicles for learning different subjects, while acting as another means for discovery and experience. Work is being carried out to ensure the project is sustainable over the long term, which consists of:
- Specific training for school teachers and on how to prepare teaching materials.
- Masterclasses run experts from Mercat de les Flors for students at the school.
- School activities in the Mercat de les Flors facilities.