Unique concerts that merge music with the visual arts at La Pedrera
Tue, 03/19/2019 - 14:52
In March and April, the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation is presenting the fourth edition of the PedreraArtlab series, which brings new bands on the independent scene into contact with benchmark young creators, institutes and schools from different artistic disciplines.
The concerts at La Pedrera are the culmination of this laboratory of artistic experiences, the outcome of a prior process of research, innovation and creation. The goal is to promote the talent of young creators like Els Jóvens, Mourn, Pavvla, Avstral, Playback Maracas and Baiuca, who are working with famous groups from the alternative visual scene this year. The family session will be held on Sunday 24 March with music by the Orchestra Fireluche and the screenings of Morgan Caney.
This year, each session stems from the interconnection between music, photography and different artistic disciplines, the outcome of a prior process of research, innovation and creation.
With all of these proposals, the PedreraArtlab aims to become a laboratory-series of new artistic experiences which focuses on interdisciplinary relationships as an engine of creativity.