Educational Mentoring Programme (PAE)
We offer extracurricular support for children and teenagers with the aim of achieving academic and personal success. We give them tools to acquire study and learning strategies.
We want a world where all young people have the opportunity to develop their abilities to the maximum and children have access to the best education, with equal conditions.
Face-to-face PAE for Primary and Secondary students
Time and space leaving school or institute to do homework with the support of an educational team in the Espai Social
We facilitate:
- Reinforcement of study strategies and curricular learning through motivating activities and collaborative work.
- Strategies and resources for children and adolescents to better organize their study time and gradually achieve more autonomy and self-management in their learning, as well as to gain self-confidence.
Days and timetable
Two afternoons a week from 5pm to 7pm to choose from the following schedules:
- Monday and Wednesday
- Tuesday and Thursday
- Wednesday and Friday
Monthly fee:
- €45 per student (€42 from the second registered sibling).
Tuition (annual):
- €50 for new registrations.
- €25 for renewing registrations and new registrations until September 30.
Social Spaces where it takes place
- Adreça: C/ de Joaquim Valls, 10
- Telèfon: 682 67 30 00
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_pae_tibidabo@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org
- Adreça: C/ de Goya, 1
- Telèfon: 609 96 90 43
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_ae_bcngracia@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org
- Adreça: C/ Miquel Bleach, 24
- Telèfon: 618 13 67 11
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_ae_bcnsants@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org
Barcelona-La Verneda
- Adreça: C/ del Treball, 213
- Telèfon: 618 13 67 11
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_ae_bcnverneda@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org
- Adreça: C/ de Sta. Eugènia, 189
- Telèfon: 638 30 77 21
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_ae_girona@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org
- Adreça: C/ d'Oms i de Prat, 2-20
- Telèfon: 636 63 29 30
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_ae_manresa@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org
Santa Coloma de Gramenet
- Adreça: C/ de Milà i Fontanals, 59
- Telèfon: 638 34 68 63
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_pae_santacoloma@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org
- Adreça: C/ de Fortuny, 23
- Telèfon: 626 42 06 84
- Correu electrònic: coordinacio_pae_tarragona@espaisfcatalunyalapedrera.org