Phase 1 Scientific stays at MónNatura Pirineus 2025

Dates: 24 June - 6 July 2025

Venue: MónNatura Pirineus

The objective of this first phase of the program is for the sixty participants to have a unique experience and develop a scientific project guided by a research team over 15 days in an isolated high-mountain environment.

The Joves i Ciència program does not end with the Scientific Stays at MónNatura Pirineus; rather, it continues over the following two years with the Research Center Stays and the International Research Stays. These two phases aim to further connect students with science, whether through a stay at a research center or participation in an international science program.

The Scientific Article

To participate in the second phase of the program, participants must write a scientific article during the first term of their first year in high school. The quality of this work will be decisive in securing a place in the next phase of the program.

The purpose of the scientific article task is to challenge participants with the complete research process, from the initial idea to the full development of the article. This process is carried out under the guidance and mentorship of the researchers from the Phase 1 teams

Phase 2 Research centre stays

Dates: June - July - August

Venue: Depending on the stay

During the summer between 1st and 2nd year of baccalaureate, the students chosen can continue to engage in scientific research experiences at a local research centre. The purpose of this phase is for each student to join a research team in a scientific laboratory where they can work with top professionals and in international research groups. 

This phase also includes a unique option of international research stays with places reserved at prestigious science programmes for students in the Youth and Science Programme, as well as the possibility of applying for and joining the selection process of some international science programmes recommended by the Foundation but in which the Youth and Science Programme does not have reserved places. 

As a requirement to access this stage in the programme, students must have written a scholarly article and be enrolled in a scientific and/or technological baccalaureate programme.


Local research centres

The students chosen may work at a local research programme in which the Youth and Science Programme has places reserved. They will work in a real research environment and join a scientific team.

International science programmes

(with and without places reserved)

The Youth and Science Programme offers a unique option of an international research stay with places reserved at the Research Science Institute (RSI) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States.

Likewise, students can apply to participate and join the selection process of some international science programmes recommended by the Foundation in which the Youth and Science Programme has no reserved places. 

Phase 3 International research stays

Dates: June - July - August
Venue: Depends on the stay

In this stage, students should work on their own to find a research project to conduct during the summer after their 2nd year of baccalaureate, either at a research centre or with a science programme. The purpose of this phase is for the students themselves to look for a research project on which to work that matches their preferences and scientific interests. Even though the purpose of this phase is for students to seek international research opportunities, they may also work at a local centre or institution in which the student has a particular interest. 

As a last option, the Youth and Science Programme will offer students a limited number of reserved places to participate in an international science programme or join a research team at an international research centre during this phase, as well as the possibility of applying for a place and joining the selection process of some international science programmes recommended by the Foundation but in which the Youth and Science Programme has no reserved places. 

International research stays

In this third phase, students have the opportunity to create their own custom scientific experiment! To do so, they have to work on their own to find a research project that matches their preferences and interests at a research centre or an international (or local) science programme.

International science programmes

(with and without reserved places)

The Youth and Science Programme offers limited places to participate in an international science programme or join a research team at an international research centre.  

Alternatively, students can apply to participate and join the selection process of some international science programmes recommended by the Foundation in which the Youth and Science Programme has no reserved places.