The tandem arrangement between Apel·les Mestres Secondary School, IrsiCaixa and the Barcelona Science Park started during the 2012-2013 academic year. The tandem has set up a centre that focuses on problem solving, in which students carry out significant and meaningful activities involving cooperative teamwork.

Aside from learning the content on the curriculum and applying it in a practical way, students also learn to regulate their own learning process, how to be critical and creative, how to manage their emotions and develop social skills, among other skills.

Four projects are carried out during the academic year in which students are indispensable and play an active role in choosing the topic, activities and final products. The groups and levels are mixed, and students work in a multidisciplinary and cooperative way to develop a final product, which can be a specific task, campaign, trip, conference, festival, or a workshop for primary school students, etc. So they are working towards a concrete  objective.

Collaboration with Barcelona Science Park and Irsicaixa allows students to stay connected to biomedicine and nanotechnology, and to continue to collaborate with them.