The session

Location: Món Sant Benet

Saturday, 11th of March 2023

This Saturday session looks at:

  • River ecosystems: macroinvertebrates and fish.
  • Water quality and bioindicators.
  • Study of the riparian flora in the Mediterranean forest.

In this Saturday session you will discover the natural environment and the landscape that makes up the Llobregat river and its riverside forest located in the meander that forms its way through Món Sant Benet. On the one hand, you study the river ecosystem of the Llobregat river and evaluate water quality by identifying aquatic macroinvertebrates, fish and measuring different physicochemical parameters. On the other hand, you delve into the study of the riparian flora, from the identification of the main species around the river to the Mediterranean forest.


Activity 1. Aquatic macroinvertebrates

Day: Saturday, 11th of March

Opening hours: 10.30 am to 5 pm

Location: Llobregat river, in Món Sant Benet

Activity coordination: Marc Ordeix, coordinator of the Mediterranean River Studies Centre (CERM), and Èlia Bretxa, environmental educator of the Mediterranean River Studies Centre (CERM)

Session given by: Marc Ordeix and Èlia Bretxa

Language: Catalan

Description: In this workshop we will focus on the study of aquatic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality, an essential part of determining the ecological status of a river.

We will do the fieldwork, collect a sample of aquatic macroinvertebrates, and then determine to be able to calculate the IBMWP biological index.

We will also talk about some hydromorphological indicators and analyze some physicochemical parameters of water with the support of portable sensors (pH, oxygen, temperature and electrical conductivity).

Activity 2. River fish

Day: Saturday, 11th of March

Opening hours: 10.30 am to 5 pm

Location: Llobregat river, in Món Sant Benet

Activity coordination: Marc Ordeix, coordinator of the Mediterranean River Studies Centre (CERM), and Èlia Bretxa, environmental educator of the Mediterranean River Studies Centre (CERM)

Session given by: Marc Ordeix and Èlia Bretxa

Language: Catalan

Description: We will discover the world of fish. We will do a scientific catch of fish in the Llobregat river to find out which species live there, where they come from and why they migrate. We will work on the concepts of ecological connectivity, maintenance flows and invasive species. We will determine taxonomically, weigh and measure the fish caught. We will also understand the pressures and alterations that can affect this ecosystem.

Activity 3. The river forest

Day: Saturday, 11th of March

Opening hours: 10.30 am to 5 pm

Location: Shore of the Llobregat river and forest around Món Sant Benet


Activity coordination: Mediterranean River Studies Centre (CERM)

Language: Catalan

Description: This activity aims to discover the functions of the riparian forest, learn about its ecological importance and the actions that can be taken to improve and protect it.

The quality of the riparian forest will be evaluated from the calculation of a biological index, the characteristic features of the river forest will be identified and the species present will be determined with the help of a designed dichotomous key. especially for this type of vegetation.

In order to improve connectivity for fish at this point in the river Llobregat, a fish crossing device has been built at the Món Sant Benet dam. At the end of this workshop, we will visit this infrastructure and discuss its operation and interest.