Ivars and Vila-sana lake
"Water is life" is an affirmation that makes singular sense in the case of the Ivars and Vila-sana lake. Located in the heart of the Pla d'Urgell region, in the land of the dry land, the lake energised social, cultural and economic life, until it was dried up in 1951 to turn the land into arable land. Known everywhere for the abundance of water birds, in recent years the lake has become one of the most emblematic wetlands in Catalonia, thanks to an ambitious recovery project requested from the population itself and encouraged by the lasting memory of the landscape it used to be.
ALL THE SPACES IN THE NETWORKThe task of the Foundation
The natural space was acquired by the Foundation with the aim of joining the initiative of Ivars Town Hall to restore the lake, which was dried up in 1951.
Work has been done to find out in depth about the natural values of the property and a management plan has been elaborated that includes all the aspects that must be developed in the short and medium term.
Adaptation and maintenance of the space for public use
Signposting of itineraries.
Enable lookouts and observation points.
Birdlife monitoring Ivars and Vila-sana lake 2013
Habitat management
Wet areas:
Recovery of the Ivars lake.